Online Visioning/Manifesting Course


New Year, New Seasons, New Cycles in your life offer opportunities to clear and cleanse what no longer serves, while opening to new horizons and visions. 

This online course guides you through a step-by-step process to clear what may be blocking you from living true to your path, fulfilling your heart’s visions and intentions.  You will be guided through a journey that takes all hardships, challenges, heartaches, or disappointments of your path and transforms them into fertile soil for manifesting unbounded gifts. 

The tools you will be given are life-transforming and can be applied and utilized repeatedly in times of transition and change.

Online Visioning/Manifesting Course

  • Explore simple cleansing rituals to free yourself from the burdens of the past

  • Activate your creative nature with visioning exercises

  • Embody the manifesting nature of Gratitude

  • Ignite your innate artist, painting the canvas of your life

  • Includes Kundalini Yoga meditations that support aligning with your abundant/prosperous truth

  • Two 30 minute coaching phone/video sessions with Eleonore

  • Additional $50 for additional private 30 minute Distant Reiki Session