Join Us for our 21 Day, or 7 Day, Winter Renewal Visioning Journey - Maginitizing Miracles Amidst Challenges

A mental, emotional, spiritual, physical recharge!  Join this 21-day journey, or optional 7 day journey, cleansing what no longer serves, strengthening your daily meditation and yoga practice, open up the flow of prana, create more vitality and align to your richest creative potential, enriching all areas of your life. Each Renewal series is tailored to the current season, supporting nutritional alignment, tonifying organs and glands, and enriching your ability to most benefit from each season’s unique gifts and offerings.

your journey start date is chosen by you

In this Renewal journey, you will receive tools that support you in transforming hardships into miraculous nourishment and healing, create a personal self-care practice, develop physical, mental, and emotional restoration, and reconnect to a daily life pattern for sensuous joyful living. Develop new life-enriching cycles and patterns in this 21-day cleanse. 21 is a magical number that helps to transform destructive belief systems and behaviors into foundational practices that build an internal sense of peace and joy while also developing an external reality of fulfillment and vitality. 

Reiki Practitioners this journey can also very much reflect Mikao Usui's journey on Mt Kurama, an opportunity to deepen your personal practice and open to deeper levels of the Grace of Reiki.


“Is it possible to be this happy? Mentally and emotionally I feel amazing. Physically, there is definite improvement.

Here is what I am noticing: Improved energy, Uplifted spirits, Increased tolerance, Worry and fear almost no longer exist (something I’ve been working on for long time), Better sleep, Increased vitality, Better digestion, Plus, Since I started this renewal process my calendar has exploded with new reiki clients. Very exciting. Filled with so much gratitude.”

Jody-Lynn Butler, 21 Day Cleanse/Renewal Journey

“Hello dearest Eleonore, thank you so much for this beautiful closing message! The benefits I’ve taken from this have been so profound. Loving all of your recommendations for today. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for such a beautiful, much-needed gift”

Alex Hamilton, 21 Day Cleanse/Renewal Journey

21 Day Renewal Visioning Journey - Maginitizing Miracles Amidst Challenges 21 Day Renewal Visioning Journey - Maginitizing Miracles Amidst Challenges
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21 Day Renewal Visioning Journey - Maginitizing Miracles Amidst Challenges

7 Day option available, See Column to the right

your journey start date is chosen by you, contact Eleonore at

preferred registration via venmo @Eleonore-Koury or zelle

extra coaching/remote reiki time option below (next block)

A powerful and beautiful way to start the new year. Set in motion an internal canvas and daily practice that invites in miraculous shifts, from the smallest to grandest. Whether content in your life or looking to make some deep changes, join us on a miraculous journey of healing and transformation

Supporting you in co creating a new year of miracles:

  • Nourishing Enlivening daily self care practices for soulful living

  • Ayurvedic, Kundalini Yoga & Restorative Yoga practices

  • Online one on one support

  • Nutritional & Cleansing guidelines tailored to Winter Season

  • Mantra's and inspirational affirmations

  • Online Kundalini Yoga Video Course

  • Reiki Enhancement for those trained

  • Mental/Emotional/Spiritual Cleansing Practices

  • End of Year Reflection/Cleansing Rituals

  • Three 30 minute phone coaching/remote reiki infused

Option for 60 minute sessions, see below

Preferred payment via venmo @Eleonore-Koury or zelle, otherwise credit card below

21 Day Renewal - Extra Session Time

all services mentioned above included with extra session time

this option gets you

Three 60 minute phone coaching/reiki infused

Preferred payment via venmo @Eleonore-Koury or zelle, otherwise credit card below

Payments are non-refundeable or transferable


"This 21-day cleanse was the best thing to happen to me after I started Yoga and Reiki. The morning routine is my favorite. After several days of the morning rituals, I started to realize that my days seemed fuller, more productive, more focused. Also, I noticed that my mind does not run ahead of me. It still surprises me when I suddenly realize that I am completely in the present. Just doing the one thing that I am busy doing in the moment. It is very centering. As we discussed before, I love the morning ritual so much that I am still continuing to go through it and hopefully will for a long time to come. The Reiki session added another layer of beauty, well-being, and calm to my days. I stayed within the nutritional plan (Except coffee) and reaped the benefits of it to the point that I am still following most of your guidelines. I did not journal at first but slowly I started in the evenings to write a few words. Specifically after our first conversation. You expressed how important the task was and suggested, I write a letter to myself. I did!!! And that letter opened the floodgates of words and numerous other letters. Now I even bring my journal to work with me, lest something juicy comes to mind. :-) I love the concept of the vision board. I have already filled mine. My favorite task that I have set for myself on my vision board is ‘Do something outside your routine every day.’ I get a lot done with that line. So thank you for all your support, suggestions, and wisdom."
Maryam Torabian, 21 Day Cleanse Renewal Journey

7 Day Online Winter Renewal Visioning - Maginitizing Miracles Amidst Challenges 7 Day Online Winter Renewal Visioning - Maginitizing Miracles Amidst Challenges
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7 Day Online Winter Renewal Visioning - Maginitizing Miracles Amidst Challenges

your journey start date is chosen by you, email Eleonore at

preferred registration via venmo @Eleonore-Koury or zelle

extra coaching/remote reiki time option below (next block)

A powerful and beautiful way to start the new year. Set in motion an internal canvas and daily practice that invites in miraculous shifts, from the smallest to grandest. Whether content in your life or looking to make some deep changes, join us on a miraculous journey of healing and transformation

Supporting you in co creating a new year of miracles:

  • Nourishing Enlivening daily self care practices for soulful living

  • Ayurvedic, Kundalini Yoga & Restorative Yoga practices

  • Online one on one support

  • Nutritional & Cleansing guidelines tailored to Fall Season

  • Mantra's and inspirational affirmations

  • Online Kundalini Yoga Video Course

  • Reiki Enhancement for those trained

  • Mental/Emotional/Spiritual Cleansing Practices

  • End of Year Reflection/Cleansing Rituals

  • Two 30 minute phone coaching/remote reiki infused

Option for 60 minute sessions, see below

Preferred payment via venmo @Eleonore-Koury or zelle, otherwise credit card below

7 Day Renewal - Extra Session Time

all services mentioned in 7 Day Renewal Journey included with extra session time

this option gets you

Two 60 minute Reiki infused coaching sessions

Preferred payment via venmo @Eleonore-Koury or zelle, otherwise credit card below