Books I recommend….
There have been countless books on my path that have been major activators and sources of inspiration, nourishment, support and enrichment. In a world where much of our information comes from the internet and technology, I treasure the simplicty of a great book that I refer back to over and over, that ignites a spiritual connection as well as educates and expands my horizons. The following are a few I’ve benefited from, I hope they bring nourishment on your path. Check back periodically, new additions will popp up :)
DISCLAIMER: I only recommend books that I have personally used! these are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or replace proper medical care. Consult your medical professional as needed, use at your own discretion.
Books I’ve benefited from over the years:
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior
this was one of the first books that entered my life in my 20s and was a true catalyst on my spiritual path. It’s wisdom rings true accross the ages! and it’s also a great, fun read :
Living The Light
I remember reading this book under the trees in a park and being so struck by an immense presence of peace and light. My first tangible experience of a primordeal loving force, that has many names (God, Goddess, Higher Power, Creator, Spirit, Source and on) A deeply moving and enlightening read. This book was the first of my spiritual books that left life long imprints.
The Book of Goddesses
My 20s were an intense time of healing, searching and awakening. I am immensly grateful to the women teachers and guides on my journey who brought the awareness of the Goddesses into my life. I then stumbled on a book and amulet set that is no longer in print which eventually led me to this book. This was most definetly my Goddess Bible, giving such great insight and embodied connection to the Goddesses of the world, across all traditions. Each one reflected aspects of myself and path. Often this would be my morning read of divination, inspiring and guiding my day. Today I find these archetypes within me, ultimately reclecting the many emminations of the One Source, Creatrix, God/Goddess.
Awakening Shakti - The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga
This is a more recent read, that is more like a little encyclopedia on the wisdom and archetypes of Hindu Goddesses such as Lakshmi, Durga, Saraswati etc. Its depth and insight is transformative. I haven’t read the full book but have steeped in the introduction, Durga and Lakshmi sections, giving me a deeper embodied experience of Shakti presence and the Goddess archetypes.
Anna, The Grandmother of Jesus
One of my all time favorites of recent years, that a beautiful client of mine actually turned me onto. This is the first of 2 part book series, taking us on a journey with the grandmother of Jesus, Mother of Mary, who lived for over 700 years, as she gives us intimate look at her life and community and that of Jeshua/Jesus, her Grandson. My favorite is witnessing all spiritual paths come together through their lives, as we are shown their devotional practices in so many regions. Not to mention the true reflection of God depicted, as both Mother and Father, Divine Feminine and Masculine.
Egypt, India, England, Ireland, and so many other regions and spiritual communities were integral part of the Christ/Magdalen path. It’s truly consciousness expanding to see the many influences that shaped Jeshua/Jesus’ path and teachings.
Of course all can be controversial, but I find much of this read and the sequel rings true bringing the yogic path and the christ path in harmony.
I hope you enjoy -
Anna, The Voice of the Magdalenes
such a powerful and beautiful read, sequel to Anna, The Grandmother of Jesus. As always take what fits, and leave the rest
The Hathor Material, Messages from an Ascended Civilezation
This book came into my life in 2023 as I was preparing for my Egypt Pilgrimage. It is now my little spiritual encyclopedia. Its a small book, but packed with such beautiful heart centered wisdom, as well as breath and meditation practices that very much reflect Reiki & Kundalini Yoga practices.
As always take what fits and leave the rest. As I’ve mentioned i’m not big into ‘channeling’ but much of this rings so much truth.